The jolly beggar

The jolly beggar

It's of a jolly beggarman came tripping o'er the plain.
He came unto a farmer's door a lodging for to gain.
The farmer's daughter she came down and bade him cheek and chin.
She says: "Here is a handsome man, I pray you, let him in!"

We'll go no more arovin', arovin' in the right.
We'll go no more arovin', lad, the moon shines so bright.
We'll go no more arovin'!

He would not lie within the barn nor yet within the byre;
but he would in the corner lie down by the kitchen fire.
Oh then the beggar's bed was made of good clean sheets and hay;
and down beside the kitchen fire the jolly beggar lay.


The farmer's daughter she got up to bolt the kitchen door;
and there she saw the beggar standing naked on the floor.
He took the daughter in his arms and to the bed he ran;
"Kind sir", she says, "be easy now, you'll waken our good man."


"Now you are no beggar, you are some gentleman;
for you have stolen my maidenhead and I am quite undone."
"I am no lord, I am no squire, of beggars I be one;
and beggars they be robbers all, so you are quite undone."


She took her bed in both her hands and threw it at the wall;
says "Go you with the beggarman, my maidenhead and all!"
We'll go no more arovin', arovin' in the night.
We'll go no more arovin', lad, the moon shines so bright.
